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Thy Kingdom Come - Pre-Order

Thy Kingdom Come - Pre-Order

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6" x 9"

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After thirty-five years of exhaustive investigation into the history, culture and customs of the ancient Near East, Moore reveals the historical development of Kingdom theology in relation to its truest literary format. Following the footsteps of previous experts on the Kingdom of God topic, such as, Gordon Fee, George Eldon Ladd, Joachim Jeremias, C. H. Dodd, Archibald M. Hunter, T. W. Manson, and a host of scholarly penmanship, Paul unveils the revelatory premise for a Kingdom theme throughout the Scriptures and biblical history. A twenty page glossary of terms provides definitions for Kingdom terminology and biographies of leading contributors of Kingdom theology throughout church history. A resourceful bibliography contains over seventy-five quality academic sources, as a treasure for any Bible teacher, minister, or student of the Word.

Paul’s dedication to use a historical and literary approach to his hermeneutics for this 370-page manuscript includes his personal Greek to English translation of the New Testament throughout the book.

Paul has been a professional ghostwriter for twenty years contributing his gift to more than two-hundred books for many major mega-ministries and today’s Christian leaders. Discovering the compelling interpretations and writings of the best and brightest biblical scholars from the late 1800s to the 1950s, Moore shares his personal journey as he explored and examined what the experts had to say about the Kingdom of God. With a true desire to allow all readers to comprehend the theological perspectives of scholars, Paul prepared his manuscript with a flowing format in the text, and included footnotes with scholarly insights and biblical references allowing the manuscript to speak to the layperson and student at the same time. In addition, a glossary that allows the reader to become familiar with new terminology provides a genre suitable for academic and discipleship functionality.

About the Author

Paul Moore is well-known as an author, professional ghostwriter, Bible college instructor, theologian and historian, Biblical translator, and film producer. His degrees and academic studies are in Theology, Bible, Biblical Literature (Greek and Hebrew) and ancient Near East Customs. Paul has worked with many mega-ministries and televangelists with ghostwriting, research, and consulting.

Moore has traveled the US cultivating relationships and developing churches and Bible colleges in various ministries and apostolic networks. Paul has ghostwritten over 200 books and printed over 250,000 books for ministry and entrepreneur authors around the globe.

Paul also serves the Kingdom marketplace in the entertainment industry as a screenwriter, director, film producer, and actor. He is also a partner in a nonprofit film company. He lives in Winter Park, Florida, a suburb of Orlando.